Friday, November 6, 2009

We have passed the 100 articles mark! Templates now exist for Books, OCCs, Weapons, and Vehicles, so please feel free to add new topics!

Please, please, please, if you are going to add new O.C.C.s, USE THE TEMPLATE! Adding a paragraph as a new O.C.C. article just means more work for the next guy!

And on a related note: DO NOT POST RPG RULE INFO. This means skill bonuses, stats, experience charts, MDC ratings, or even textual modifiers from an O.C.C. We are trying to adhere to Palladium's Internet Policy, and the more of this that gets added, the less likely they are to want us to continue. I have edited out everything I have found so far, but please try to keep the Wiki clear of them.

I've been considering adding a page for all of Palladium Press Releases, but I'm not sure how many I have kept, or how long they remain available on Palladium's Web site. What do you think? Let me know. I may end up creating one anyway, just going forward, but if I can get a listing of all of Palladium's Press Releases from their site, it would make it a lot easier. E-mailing them now...

Happy Holidays, D-Bees!